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VK Puja Havan Jaiphal,जायफल (पूजा), Jangali Jaiphal,Jaiphal Purvi,Nutmeg 100 gm
VK Puja Havan Jaiphal, Jangali Jaiphal,Jaiphal Purvi 100% Organic
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsOther Names- Jaiphal (Poorvi), Nutmeg, Jaifal, Jayphal, Myristica Fragrans,Pooja Jaiphal
Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹100.00₹150.00VK Safed Musli / Chlorophytum Borivilianum Root herb 100 gm
VK Safed Musli / Chlorophytum Borivilianum Root herb
सफ़ेद मूसली भारत की एक दुर्लभ जड़ी बूटी है। इसका उपयोग आयुर्वेद, यूनानी सहित चिकित्सा की पारंपरिक प्रणालियों में किया जाता है।
Safed Musli ( White Musli ), also known as chlorophytum borivilianum is just an uncommon plant present in India that’s recently proven to be an extremely valuable addition to natural supplements. Safed Musli is Powerful Booster for Men. It also work as energy booster.
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹450.00₹600.00VK Safed Musli / Chlorophytum Borivilianum Root herb 100 gm
₹450.00₹600.00VK Sel Khari /सेलखड़ी Herbal Powder 400 gm
VK Sel Khari Herbal Powder 400 gm
We provide good packaging so that your desired item can reach you safely
Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹50.00₹70.00VK Sel Khari /सेलखड़ी Herbal Powder 400 gm
₹50.00₹70.00VK Semal Musli,सेमल मूसली; Musli Simbal, Musli Lal, Bombax Malabaricum DC, Silk Cotton Root 400 gm
VK Semal Musli,सेमल मूसली; Musli Simbal, Musli Lal, Bombax Malabaricum DC, Silk Cotton Root
सेमल मूसली एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है। आयुर्वेद में कई तरह की बीमारियों का इलाज करने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जाता है।आयुर्वेद में कई ऐसे पेड़-पौधे हैं, जिनका उपयोग तरह-तरह की बीमारियों का इलाज करने के लिए किया जाता है। इसमें सेमल का पेड़ भी शामिल हैं। आयुर्वेद में सेमल पेड़ के फूल, छाल और जड़ सभी को उपयोगी बताया गया है।
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹140.00₹700.00VK Senna Patta, सनाय, Sanay Leaves 100 gm
Senna Patta, सनाय, Sanay Leaves, Senna Leaf, Sonamukhi Leaves, Sona Patta सोनामुखी, Nelaavare
सनाय एक जड़ी बूटी है। इसे सेना के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, पौधे की पत्तियों और फलों का उपयोग औषधि बनाने के लिए किया जाता है।
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹60.00₹100.00VK Senna Patta, सनाय, Sanay Leaves 100 gm
₹60.00₹100.00VK Shatavari Dried Root, सतावर,Asparagus Racemosus, Aspragus, Satawar, Shatamuli, Satawari, शतावरी 200 gm
VK Shatavari Dried Root, सतावर,Asparagus Racemosus, Aspragus, Satawar, Shatamuli, Satawari, शतावरी 200 gm
शतावरी एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण औषधि है ,यह प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को अधिक मजबूत बनाने में भी मदद करता है
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹300.00₹400.00VK Surjanjan mithi, Suranjan sweet, Colchicum Luleum 100 gm
VK Surjanjan mithi, Suranjan sweet, Colchicum Luleum 100 gm
Also known as- Suranjaan Methi, Suranjan Sweet, Sooranjaan, Haafir al-muhr, Assabi’ Hurmas, Colchicum, Autumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron, Naked Lady, Colchique, Gelbe Zeitlose, Gelbe Herbstzeitlose, Hiran Tutiya, Suranjaan Methi, Colchicum luteum Baker, Suranjan, Hiranyatutha, Suranjan Shirin, Suranjan Talkh.
Treatment of liver related problems, Treatment of constipation, It is used to treat indigestion, Purify blood, It acts as a diuretic.
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹450.00₹600.00VK Surjanjan mithi, Suranjan sweet, Colchicum Luleum 100 gm
₹450.00₹600.00VK Tal Makhana Seeds / तालमखाना /Talmakhana Beej / Kokilaksha Beej 100 gm
VK Tal Makhana Seeds / Talmakhana Beej / Kokilaksha Beej 200 gm
This incredible herb is known by different names in the Indian subcontinent. Some of which includes Ikshura, Ikshuraka, Kokilaksha and Culli in Sanskrit, Kulekhara in Bengali, Ekharo, Talmakhana, in Hindi, Nirmulli, Kolavulike, Kolavankae, in Kannada, Vayalculli in Malayalam, Nirchulli, Talimakhana, Koilrekha, Koillekha in Oriya, Nirmulle, Nerugobbi, and Gobbi In Tamil.
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹300.00₹400.00VK Tulsi Beej, तुलसी बीज, Basil Seed 100 gm
VK Tulsi Beej, तुलसी बीज, Basil Seed 100 gm
Basil seeds, also known as holy basil seeds, are edible. These seeds are beneficial in many ways
तुलसी के बीज, जिन्हें पवित्र तुलसी के बीज भी कहा जाता है, खाने योग्य होते हैं. ये बीज कई तरह से फ़ायदेमंद होते हैं
- वज़न कम करने में मदद
- बॉडी हीट कम करना
- कोल्ड और फ़्लू से राहत
- पाचन में सुधार
- शुगर लेवल को कंट्रोल करना
- कब्ज को दूर करना
- स्किन के लिए फ़ायदेमंद
- बालों के लिए फ़ायदेमंद
तुलसी के बीजों का पानी पीने के फ़ायदे:
- पोषक तत्वों का अच्छा स्रोत
- हाइड्रेशन
- डायजेशन
- वेट मैनेजमेंट में मददगार
- ब्लड शुगर को कंट्रोल करता है
- हार्ट हेल्थ
- रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता में सुधार
- स्किन के लिए फ़ायदेमंद
तुलसी के बीजों को रात भर भिगोने के बाद सुबह उनका सेवन करना चाहिए.
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹80.00₹100.00VK Tulsi Beej, तुलसी बीज, Basil Seed 100 gm
₹80.00₹100.00VK Unnab ber, उन्नाब ,red, Jujube Dry fruit 200 gm
VK Unnab ber, उन्नाब ,red, Jujube Dry fruit 200 gm
According to Ayurveda, Unnab has many benefits. Some of its benefits are:Removes fatigue, bile, burning sensation, vomiting, phlegm and blood disorders.Removes the problem of insomnia.Treats cough and sore throat.Improves immunity.
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹100.00₹200.00VK Unnab ber, उन्नाब ,red, Jujube Dry fruit 200 gm
₹100.00₹200.00VK Whole Supari,सुपारी साबुत,Supari Sabut, Betel Nut 100 gm
VK Whole Supari, Supari Sabut, Betel Nut 100 gm
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹90.00₹140.00VK सालमपंजा ,Salam Panja herb White 50 gm
VK सालमपंजा ,Salam Panja herb White 50 gm
VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.
Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.
VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal ProuctsNote:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product
₹1,000.00₹1,400.00VK सालमपंजा ,Salam Panja herb White 50 gm