It is 100% Natural.There are no added preservatives and no artificial colors.

    अम्बा हल्दी ये विभिन्न नाम से जानी जाती है जैसे –

    हिन्दी नाम  -आमा हलदी, अंग्रेज़ी: Mango ginger (मैंगो जिंजर)

    संस्कृत-दार्वीभेदा, आम्रगन्ध, सुरभीदारु, पद्मपत्रा; हिन्दी-आमा हलदी, आमाहलद; उर्दू-अम्वाहलदी (Ambaha haldi); कन्नड़-अम्बारासिनीहुली (Ambarasisihuli); गुजराती-आम्बामोरी (Ambamori), आम्बा हलदर (Amba haldar); तमिल-मान्काय्यीन्सी (Mankayyinci) तेलुगु-ममिड़ी अल्लामु (Mamidi allamu); नेपाली-कालो बेसार (Kalo besar); पंजाबी-अंबिया हलदी (Ambia haldi); बंगाली-आम आदा (Aam aada); मराठी-अम्बाहलद (Amba halad), आंबा हलदी (Amba haldi); मलयालम-मन्नायिनसी (Mannayinci) अरबी-दारूहल्दी (Daruhaladi); फारसी-दारइल्द (Darild)।

    बहुत गुणकारी है अम्बा हल्दी, जिसे मैंगो जिंजर (Mango Ginger) के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक प्रकार का अदरक (Ginger) है जो दिखने में हल्दी जैसा होता है, लेकिन इसका स्वाद कच्चे आम जैसा होता है। यह हल्दी की तरह करकुमा की एक किस्म है, लेकिन एक अलग स्वाद और सुगंध के साथ। अम्बा हल्दी का रंग चमकीला पीला संतरी होता है और इसका उपयोग विभिन्न पवित्र और औषधीय कामों में किया जाता है। पारंपरिक चिकित्सा में, अम्बा हल्दी के कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ माने जाते हैं।

    We recommend people to make use of this product under proper guidance.

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Gudmar Leave, गुड़मार बूटी, Barkista, Madhunashni, Gurmar Leaves 200 gm

    Gudmar leaves 200 gm

    Also known as Gudmar, Barkista, Meshsingi, Gurmar, Indian Ipecacuanha, Gymnema, Ipécacuanha, Merasingi, Kavali, Kadhasige, Kista, Madhunashni, Sarpadarushtri (गुड़मार) : Gudmar was initially known as meshashringi in Sanskrit, which means “ram’s horn”. The plant can be described as a large, pubescent, woody climber.

    गुड़मार,मधुनाशनी, गुड़मार को शुरू में संस्कृत में मेशश्रृंगी के नाम से जाना जाता था, जिसका अर्थ है “राम का सींग”। गुड़मार का हर्बल चिकित्सा में उपयोग का एक लंबा इतिहास और एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला है।

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • Vanshlochan, banslochan, Tabasheer, Tabashir 200 gm

    Vanshlochan, banslochan, Tabasheer, Tabashir   100 gm

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Black Cumin Seed, Kalonji Seeds, Black Jeera, Kala Jeera, Karuncheeragam 100 gm

    VK Black Cumin Seed,  Kalonji Seeds,  Black Jeera,  Kala Jeera,  Karuncheeragam 100 gm

    Kalonji, also known as Nigella sativa, black seed, and black cumin, is a flowering plant native to Southern Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. Its seeds have long been used in herbal medicine.

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • Kali Jeeri,काली जीरी, Kali Jiri, Kadwa Kaali Jeera, Nalla Jeelakarra, Black Cumin Seed, Kadvi Bitter Kalo Jeeri 250

    Kali Jeeri, Kali Jiri, Kadwa Kaali Jeera, Nalla Jeelakarra, Black Cumin Seed, Kadvi Bitter Kalo Jeeri

    Kaali Jeeri/Kalijiri/Kadwa/Kadwa Jeera/Centratherum Anthelminticum/kali jeer/kadu jeera

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Unnab ber, उन्नाब ,red, Jujube Dry fruit 200 gm


    VK Unnab ber, उन्नाब ,red, Jujube Dry fruit 200 gm

    According to Ayurveda, Unnab has many benefits. Some of its benefits are:Removes fatigue, bile, burning sensation, vomiting, phlegm and blood disorders.Removes the problem of insomnia.Treats cough and sore throat.Improves immunity.

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Manjistha, मजीठ, मंजिष्ठा, Arook, Indian Madder, Manjith,Rubia, Cordifolia, Majeeth 250 gm


    VK Manjistha, मजीठ, मंजिष्ठा, Arook, Indian Madder, Manjith,Rubia, Cordifolia, Majeeth 250 gm

    मंजिष्ठा त्वचा की खूबसूरती के लिए उपयोगी जड़ी-बूटी मानी जाती है

    Madder or Manjistha is a medicinal herb which is used in the preparation of various Ayurvedic medicines. In Ayurveda, Manjistha is used for the treatment of many diseases. The root, stem, fruit and leaves of Manjistha are used for medicine. It is considered a panacea medicine.

    Some of the benefits of Manjishtha are – It is considered a useful herb for skin beauty, Applying it on the face provides relief from dark spots and pimples, It purifies the blood, Detoxes the skin, Rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Boosts immunity, Prevents urine infections, Provides relief from viral fever.

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Pipal choti, छोटी पीपल, pipli, short pepper 100 gm


    VK Pipal choti, छोटी पीपल, pipli, short pepper 100 gm

    छोटी पीपली को पिप्पली, पिपर, पीपल, पिपुल, पिप्पलु, तिप्पली, और फ़िलफ़िल भी कहा जाता है छोटी पीपली को मोटापा कम करने में कारगर माना जाता है

    Chhoti Pipli is also known as Pippali, Piper, Pipal, Pipul, Pippalu, Tippli, and Filfil. Chhoti Peepli is considered effective in reducing obesity.

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Flax Seed, अलसी के बीज ,Alsi Ke Beej 400 gm

    VK Flax Seed, अलसी के बीज ,Alsi Ke Beej 400 gm

    अलसी  को सुपर फूड कहा जाता है क्योंकि यह कई एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट से भरपूर होती है। यह हमारे शरीर को फिट और स्वस्थ रखने के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है। यह फाइबर, प्रोटीन और अन्य खनिजों का समृद्ध स्रोत है। वजन घटाने में मदद करता है, रक्तचाप कम करता है, कोलेस्ट्रॉल को नियंत्रित रखता है, कैल्शियम अवशोषण में मदद करता है और सुंदर त्वचा के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है।

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Herb Gokhru Bada, गोखरू बड़ा 200 gm


    VK Herb Gokhru Bada, गोखरू बड़ा 200 gm

    गोखरू का सेवन करने से शरीर के कई रोगों को दूर करने में मदद मिल सकती है गोखरू भले दिखने में कितना भी छोटा क्यों न हो लेकिन बीमारियों पर रामबाण असर करता है, गोखरू का उपयोग जोड़ो के दर्द और मांसपेशी के दर्द को कम करने के लिए किया जाता है

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • Badi Peepal, पीपल बड़ी, Badi Pipal, Whole Long Pepper, Pipal badi 100 gm


    Badi Peepal, पीपल बड़ी, Badi Pipal, Whole Long Pepper, Pipal badi, Pippali, Pipali, Peepali

    पिप्पली का उपयोग बड़े पैमाने पर आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं में किया जाता है

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

  • VK Semal Musli,सेमल मूसली; Musli Simbal, Musli Lal, Bombax Malabaricum DC, Silk Cotton Root 400 gm

    VK Semal Musli,सेमल मूसली; Musli Simbal, Musli Lal, Bombax Malabaricum DC, Silk Cotton Root

    सेमल मूसली एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है। आयुर्वेद में कई तरह की बीमारियों का इलाज करने के लिए इसका उपयोग किया जाता है।आयुर्वेद में कई ऐसे पेड़-पौधे हैं, जिनका उपयोग तरह-तरह की बीमारियों का इलाज करने के लिए किया जाता है। इसमें सेमल का पेड़ भी शामिल हैं। आयुर्वेद में सेमल पेड़ के फूल, छाल और जड़ सभी को उपयोगी बताया गया है।

    VK provides authentic collection of genuine Ayurveda Herbs in their original forms.

    Everything Natural – seeds, superseeds, herbs and other healthy product range.

    VK offers you the best quality of Herbal Product specially handpicked.
    We takes care of proper hygiene standards while processing of Herbal Proucts

    Note:-Cash on delivery (COD) not available for this product

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